We're Injury Lawyers,
for today's Texas.

Contingency Basis

You don't pay, unless we win.


Decades of experience.


We fight for injured victims.

Houston, TX

At The Mejia Law Firm, we're lawyers for today's Texas.

The United States civil justice system exists to protect us. Drivers have a legal responsibility to follow the rules of the road and not drive recklessly. Doctors have a legal duty to provide care to the best of their abilities. Companies must prioritize safe products, equipment, and buildings. If you’ve been seriously injured in Texas due to a person or company that failed to follow these responsibilities, a Houston personal injury lawyer from The Mejia Law Firm can help you get justice.

Our attorneys understand Texas laws and the opposition. We are not afraid to go up against insurance companies that may do everything they can to give accident victims less compensation than they deserve. Insurers often use unfair tactics to protect their profit margins. We know how to stop those tactics and get our clients the money their families need.

By filing a personal injury lawsuit against a reckless or negligent driver, trucking agency, professional, individual, or company, you may be able to receive compensation that can go toward your medical bills, cover lost wages, and provide financial relief for the pain and suffering no one should have to endure. This compensation will not erase a tragic event, but it can provide peace of mind. A successful lawsuit deters the negligent party from harming anyone else in the same way.

How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Case?

To qualify for filing a lawsuit, you and your personal injury lawyer must demonstrate that your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence. Essentially, you must show that the actions that led to your injuries could have and should have been prevented had the other party acted reasonably.

An attorney will compile evidence like photos, police reports, and documentation to prove that the incident could have been prevented and pair it with testimony from eyewitnesses and accident reconstruction experts. The added testimony helps prove the incident should have been prevented.

Putting all this information together and building a strong case can be incredibly complex. It’s crucial to have an experienced lawyer on your side. Your attorney must be willing to take a case to trial if necessary. At The Mejia Law Firm, we understand how the opposition operates in the courtroom and are prepared to go all the way to court if necessary to get you full and fair compensation.

Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

There are many different types of personal injury claims, and every case is unique. A personal injury case is defined as when one individual suffers an injury due to another person’s negligence. These claims can range from a few hundred dollars to hundreds of millions depending on the severity of the injuries, the severity of the negligence or misconduct, and the number of injury victims.

Most personal injury claims fall into the following categories:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the most prevalent causes of personal injury cases. They can be further divided into car, motorcycle, trucking, and pedestrian accidents. An increasing number of cases also include rideshare accidents like those involving Uber or Lyft.

Wrongful Death

When someone has been killed due to another’s negligence, this would be considered wrongful death. These can arise due to car or truck accidents, nursing home neglect, medical malpractice, and a variety of other personal injuries. Wrongful death lawsuits allow for unique damage settlements that provide support and attempt to recompense for the surviving family’s loss.

Premises Liability and Slip & Fall

When someone gets injured on another person’s private property or at a place of business, Texas liability law allows them to request a settlement for their damages. An example of this type of injury case would be if you fell down a staircase because there was no handrail support or if you slipped on a wet floor at the grocery store when there was no warning sign to warn you of the condition.

Medical Malpractice

The negligence of medical professionals and medical entities, including doctors, nurses, hospital staff, medical practices, and hospitals themselves, can cause catastrophic injuries. There is a range of medical malpractice covered under Texas statutes, including misdiagnosis, pharmacy errors, birth injuries, misdiagnosis, issues with treatments, surgical mistakes, and failure to diagnose serious health conditions such as cancer. These cases are often very complex and will benefit from the experience of a personal injury attorney.

Product Liability

Serious injuries can be caused by dangerous and defective products, as well as improper warning labels and instruction guides on products. Common harmful products include food, chemical and toxic materials, vehicle parts, appliances, heaters, flammable clothing, and children’s toys. An at-fault party can include government entities, individuals, and businesses for selling, designing, and marketing a problematic product.

Miscellaneous Injuries

Other types of personal injury cases may include burn injuries, animal attack injuries, civil battery, food poisoning, aviation or boating accidents, child injury cases, and toxic exposure such as to asbestos. While more unusual than the other categories, they are no less worthy of discussion with a personal injury attorney to learn whether you have a valid claim. Each of these incidents can leave you with substantial bills and lifelong damage.

What Should I Do After Experiencing a Personal Injury?

After you have sustained an injury due to another party’s negligence, it is important to know the right course of action to protect yourself and prepare for your personal injury case. If possible, move to somewhere safe. Your health is the most crucial concern in the moments after you are hurt.

For example, if you were in a car accident, move out of traffic as much as possible to await authorities. No matter what kind of personal injury you sustained, it is important to contact the police to file an accident report. They can also send emergency vehicles, if necessary, to provide medical assistance.

Gather information and, if possible, take pictures and notes on everything about the scene of the accident. Documentation will be vital in proving your case and establishing negligent, at-fault parties. Evidence and documentation of your injuries are also important, so get examined by a medical professional as soon as possible. Save any paperwork, medical bills, and invoices for personal property repairs. This will be vital evidence when pursuing your personal injury claim and calculating an appropriate settlement.

The Cost of a Personal Injury Claim

The last thing an injured person needs to worry about after a personal injury is the cost of hiring an attorney. At The Mejia Law Firm, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means you will not pay a thing unless and until you settle your case. We are dedicated to helping you recover an adequate financial settlement to provide relief for the medical costs, emotional distress, and damages caused by your accident.

The attorney’s fees for your negotiated settlement or personal injury lawsuit will then come from the at-fault party’s payout, meaning at no out-of-pocket cost to you at any point. The goal is to settle out of court with the maximum amount of damages you are due. If your lawyer does end up filing a lawsuit, you will not pay anything out of pocket either.

Personal injury cases that are filed with the assistance of a legal representative have a stronger chance of being awarded a settlement. If you choose to file with a personal injury attorney from The Mejia Law Firm, we will work to calculate your complete losses and fight for your rightful settlement.

Determining a Settlement Amount

Settlements take into account many factors, which is why it helps to hire legal representation to calculate the maximum amount. Depending on factors such as the losses suffered, the severity of your injuries, and the negligence of the at-fault party, your settlement could range from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands. Both economic and non-economic factors will be calculated.

Your economic damages are losses that have associated financial costs, such as:

  • Medical expenses like doctor visits, medications, treatments, physical therapy, medical devices, and future expenses

  • Lost wages, which are payment for days that you missed work due to your injuries

  • Property damage, such as car repairs or replacement due to damage caused by a crash or the costs associated with a phone that was damaged in a slip and fall accident

Your non-economic damages are losses that are not directly associated with a financial cost like:

An experienced personal injury lawyer will help you calculate your rightful settlement amount and support your claim with saved documentation like bills, receipts, invoices, and previous pay stubs. For non-economic damages and future costs, they may choose to consult with a financial expert, which will provide more validity to your claim. A favorable settlement considers your current financial burden caused by your injuries as well as the long-term consequences, such as decreased earning potential, chronic pain, and life-long medical costs.

Hire The Mejia Law Firm to Represent You In A Personal Injury Case

We handle a wide variety of different types of injury claims — everything from auto accident claims to slip and fall incidents, motorcycle accidents, work injuries, and more. To find out if you potentially have a claim, all you have to do is contact our Houston law office. We offer free consultations with zero obligation to all potential clients and are happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss the merits of potential legal representation.

Get help. Call now.

Practice Areas

No two legal cases are the same. The Mejia Law Firm has experience in a wide variety of personal injury cases as well as criminal defense matters. We aren’t afraid to investigate every detail of a complex case to ensure justice is upheld. Below you’ll see just a fraction of the types of cases we may be able to help you with.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Stapp Law Icon
Will Mejia has tried over 40 jury trials in Texas. He served as a prosecutor for 10 years, investigated and prosecuted thousands of criminal cases, and supervised and aided in countless trials during his career. He has filed and handled hundreds of civil cases ranging from motor vehicle collisions to injuries sustained from catastrophic events.
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Our staff is available day or night to take your call and get started on your case. We are committed to our clients and make every effort possible to be available when you need us.
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Since we are a private practice law firm, we’re able to give every client 100% of our time and dedication. This lets us collect every bit of evidence that’s available and obtain testimony and gather eyewitnesses that other lawyers may not have the time to obtain.
Why Choose Stapp Law Icon
Will Mejia has courtroom experience at the highest level and understands how the opposite side thinks and operates during trial. This experience gives him an edge in all aspects of a case and helps him prepare for the unexpected, giving him a higher chance to succeed.
Why Choose Stapp Law Icon
The Mejia Law Firm practices in Houston because we want to be part of a city that embraces diversity. Since our family comes from different backgrounds, it’s vital for us to support communities that come from different backgrounds and speak different languages.
Why Choose Stapp Law Icon
If you choose to hire us for legal representation for a personal injury claim, you will be charged no upfront fees. All fees will come out of the settlement or verdict award, and if your personal injury case does not succeed, you owe us nothing.

Free Attorney Consultation

Call us or fill out the form below to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation. We can help you determine if you need a personal injury or workers' compensation lawyer, if you have a potential case, and if so, what your next step should be.

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